Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Places to Promote Artwork and Crafts Online

Alright, you've got an Etsy shop, you've got a Zazzle shop, you've got a DeviantArt account. If you build it, they will come - right? Wrong. You can have the most awesome artwork in the world and it isn't going to do you a lick of good unless you promote it. If nobody sees it, they're not going to buy it.

When it comes to promoting your artwork, dinking around on a bunch of little forums spreads you thin - you need more power, more bang for your buck. I won't downplay the importance of promoting on forums or by commenting on other blogs, but I'm focusing on things that deliver the most exposure for the minimum amount of work. In addition, there's nothing wrong with self-promotion, but if you're constantly squawking about your Etsy store, people are probably going to tune you out. I'd suggest sticking to an attractive-but-not-annoying forum sig and posting in sub-forums dedicated to arts and crafts.

One of the more useful things I learned from working in retail on commission is about Conversion Rates. Your conversion rate is your ratio of visits to purchases - or, in the case of an online storefront, your ratio of hits to purchases. When the store I worked in started examining conversion rates and counting the number of people walking into the store, the first thing I learned was how startlingly low our average conversion rate was. When asked, off the top of our heads, how many people who visited our store actually bought stuff, we thought it was maybe 60-80%. The truth is that it was much lower than that, probably around 20%. And that was a really good conversion rate. That meant that only 2 out of every 10 customers we had bought stuff.

And that was a brick-and-mortar store, which meant the people coming in were people who were thinking of buying something in the first place (or else they wouldn't have come in the store). Your online viewers are probably going to be far more casual, and probably not intending to make a purchase at all, depending on what it is you're selling. So your conversion rate may be much, much smaller. On top of that, you need to be selling something that people actually want to buy, and you need great photos and presentation of the product. So hopefully, now you can see why selling artwork online can be a real challenge.

Pinterest is fantastic because it's definitely not an artist echo-chamber, and it's wildly popular. In addition, anything you pin directly through Etsy is pinned with the price in the upper left-hand corner - convenient, eh?

Facebook is pretty obvious, but I don't have much luck with Facebook, to be honest.

Twitter is also pretty obvious, and Tweets can be a powerful way to promote your stuff once you have enough Followers.

CraftJuice is another way to promote. It's a website that focuses on crafts. Yes, it's another case where a ton of artists are going to join, but it gets a great deal of traffic, and remember - the more people you reach, even if they're other artists, the more of a chance you're going to have to sell. In addition, it's one more place that your artwork is listed, which means that particular link becomes "tastier" to search engines.

EtsyLush is a place to promote your Etsy Work and store. They're pretty strict about jewelry submissions, because they get so many of them, but you can also promote your art originals here.

100 Craft Links allows you to submit a link to your Etsy store or website. As more links are submitted, your website gets bumped down the list. You can resubmit once it's been bumped completely off.

A Squidoo Lense is another way to promote. This one takes a bit more work, as nobody is going to go to a Lense that doesn't exist, but Squidoo and Twitter can definitely be a power-combo.

Cuteable can be a great way to reach your target audience, if your stuff is cute. Don't be afraid to submit!

Chainmaille Jewelry

I just finished crafting some new jewelry, and placed an old piece up for sale, as well. You can own this beautiful jewelry, all you have to do is buy it through my Etsy shop:

Click here to purchase this necklace.

Click here to purchase this handflower.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Tiny Dragons

I've actually digitally colored the Tribal Fairy art, and it's now available as a poster as well as several other products (including a necklace and phone cover.

In addition to this, I've completed another piece of art, a tiny dragon feasting on a tomato!

He's done in watercolor on Bristol board, and you can buy the original here. I also plan on doing a digital color of him (I scanned the lines) but if you really love this particular version, there's a poster available as well as a phone case.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Art Available

Tribal fairy - ink on smooth Bristol board. Buy the original on Etsy.

I'll be coloring it digitally and offering it as a print (and possibly phone cover, etc).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is the Quality of Zazzle Prints?

I recently ordered one of my own prints off of Zazzle so that I could get a good idea of the quality. To that end, I've posted this video review:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Technical Difficulties

I'm having some Zazzle issues where deleted products are still showing up in my store. They don't "exist" (click them and it goes nowhere), but they're still being displayed. I took some down because I initially forgot to click "No" on Allow Customization, and there's no way to change that after the product has been created. You have to re-create the product. Lesson learned, I guess. :-/

Bottom line is, you may see duplicates - if one product you click doesn't appear to be available, try clicking the other one. I tried putting them in a hidden folder, which doesn't work - they're still showing up. I'm really sorry, there's just no way to control it right now. I've sent them an email, we'll see how that pans out.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back from the Dead

I've been creating some new art out of some pretty old material. I ran across a drawing I did when I was 10 - fully inked, on copy paper. My grandfather had it.

I decided to color it, and I'm pleased with the results:

I've made it available as a poster and iPad sleeve. I'm currently waiting for the iPhone case version to finish processing - you should see it in my store once it's done. I think it looks pretty sweet.