Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I just posted a new Myspace template. I'm hoping to feed this site content as I go through my artwork and convert it into wallpapers, skins, and various other things. Requests are welcome, of course. I'll be working on the usual Hana fare - cat-girls, dragons, magical cities, what-have-you. I'm planning on putting up some Ebay auction templates and iTunes skins once I get the chance. If you've just stumbled onto the DeathByCute website, and have anything in particular in mind, drop me a line. I'll do game skins and textures, too, as long as what you want doesn't involve a massive and prolonged effort (you'll have to pay for that). Keep in mind, you might have to wait a little bit. SecondLife is another issue - I'll probably require Lindens for doing anything in Secondlife, due to the fact that uploading anything to SL costs money. If you want concept work done, send me an email with info about your project. I'm currently working on a volunteer project called MechaLord, so I may or may not be able to produce anything immediately.

I'll be moving my personal blog over here from Livejournal.com. I'm not abandoning Livejournal, it's just that if I have stuff to say related to art, news, etc., I may as well say it here.

Just got my most recent rash of resume rejections, but I suppose that's par for the course. Means I'll have to send out another few dozen and pray. In the meantime, I'm listening to Manowar and feeling epic. Nothing makes you more feel like getting up and going out to fight again than songs about Odin kicking peoples' asses. On the other hand, it also gives me the urge to run outside, screaming and swinging an axe, and go on a rampage across the countryside. It is possible that I've been listening to too MUCH Manowar. All I really know is that by now, I am quite sure that I was born with a heart of steel.

Also, on a side note, I have discovered the sole purpose of the water slides at Typhoon Lagoon: if you do the Manowar scream sliding down, and manage to maintain the scream properly, it will carry across most of the park.

Speaking of epic, I've been running a Dungeons and Dragons game for my brother and his friends. It runs every Sunday, and I'll be uploading recordings of the sessions so people can listen in. My friend Thomas was very excited by the prospect of editing and mixing the audio recordings, which takes a lot of weight off my shoulders so I can focus on the really important parts of the campaign - you know, decorating the webpage and painting character portraits.

Kidding. Actually, I care a lot about the players having fun. I felt horrible since I had to cancel the most recent meeting - the one everybody actually was going to show up to - because I was ill. In my personal defense, I was in no condition to run a coherent game, and nobody would have had fun. It was disappointing because I know they look forward to the games, and my little bro is currently DM-in-training. I think he may plan on converting their characters over to the Warcraft tabletop setting when he takes over, which will definitely be interesting to watch.

Speaking of which, I recently got back into World of Warcraft, this after getting back into Warcraft3, except most of the guild I'm in on Stormrage (The Cute Fuzzy Meow) apparently picked up and left for another server. I think Brighteyes may have quit altogether. I've taken to mostly playing Horde on Onyxia, because I can't quite seem to stomach the servers that my brother frequents.
I've also been a bit irritated at not being able to find Warcraft2 anywhere. The game is pretty much unavailable, and when I played it it was on a friend's computer, so I basically can't get ahold of it legally. I wish they'd release a Battle Chest with all of the Warcraft games bundled up together... Warcraft 1 and 2 would possibly require an emulator to run, except for my deep, dark secret - the Pentium 1 locked up in my cabinet.

Yes, I still have a Pentium 1. Its name is Bob, and I keep it for playing old games. The hard drive is unreliable, but everything else works ok, including the ancient TDK burner. As long as I don't try to store too much data on it and back my games up fanatically, I can play plenty of older stuff that doesn't run quite right on new, fast computers. Fallout, Interstate '76, etc. I've considered dropping a newer, bigger hard drive in, except honestly - why?

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